You Had Me at Gardening

Mike Murphy

Mike grew up gardening with his parents and grandparents. He enjoys his backyard orchard of dwarf fruit trees, raspberry and blackberry patches, and raised garden boxes. In addition to his perennials, Mike enjoys sprouting new fruit and vegetable seeds every spring. He not only enjoys outdoor gardening but his twin 9′ tall fiddle leaf figs tickle his fancy as well. He has been trained in waterwise landscaping and has installed his own landscaping and foodscaping property that not only saves thousands of gallons of water per year but is also beautiful and produces much of his family’s fruit and vegetables. He loves operating skid steers and mini exacavtors. Mike is also an amateur aquascaper and a survival gardening enthusiast.

A smiling man with a beard, wearing a white shirt and red tie, standing in front of a window with white frames.
You Had Me at Gardening

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