You Had Me at Gardening

Denis Sgarbura

Hello. I’m Denis. My passion for growing plants started when I was around 10 or 11 years old. My grandpa loved to take care of roses. He had a breathtaking rose garden. I wanted one badly. So, I started my own. I was stoked when my roses showed signs of growth.

It became a competition: my garden vs. his garden. He won every time, but I never gave up and did my best to make it extraordinary. I read everything there was to know about roses and how to grow them.

But alas, it come to an end five years ago, when I had to move to another city. It was painful, there was no place for a green retreat like back home. I had to do something about it. So, I started a small balcony garden.

Moving from one home to another is a real impediment when it comes to breeding any form of life. Nothing can replace my rose garden, but in the meantime I developed a new hobby: Saving plants from the store near me. They never water them and I don’t want to see those poor buds ending up dead.

One day, my own apartment will become a jungle and I can hardly wait for it!

Man using a hoe to contact the soil in a forested area.
A person watering a lush green plant with a hose, water droplets sparkling in sunlight, in a garden with a brick wall background.


You Had Me at Gardening

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