In this article, we will examine how to get rid of fungus gnats and why they got to your plants in the first place. What are these pesky insects that hover around your indoor garden and cover the soil of your favorite plants?

If you looked very closely, you’d see they resemble tiny mosquitos, but at 1/8th of an inch in size, their characteristics are not easy to distinguish. They are fungus gnats, and they love houseplants. So let’s see today some of the best methods on how to get rid of fungus gnats and save your beloved indoor plants!


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What are fungus gnats, and why are they attracted to houseplants?

First of all, fungus gnats are tiny insects about the size of a fruit fly. However, unlike the fruit fly, they are not attracted to certain smells or products, but to moist soil and decaying organic material in plant pots.

The adult fungus gnat can lay up to 200 eggs near the surface of the soil; the hatched eggs become larvae which burrow into the soil to feed on fungi in the soil.

Moreover, in only two weeks, the adult fungus gnat emerges and repeats the cycle. Although adults only live for about a week, it’s easy to see how 200 eggs per adult can quickly become an infestation.

On the other hand, as annoying as these insects are, the adult fungus gnat does not pose harm to either animals or humans. Also, they do not bite or carry diseases. But, if their numbers grow too large, the larvae will begin to feed on the fine root hairs of your plant. This will damage the plant, especially young plants and trees.

Fungus gnats are also known to carry a pathogen that infects the roots of seedlings, called ‘damping off,’ and causes young roots to weaken and die, killing the young plants. Also, in houseplants, fungus gnat damage can be seen in a slowing down of the plant’s growth and lower leaves turning yellow and dropping off.

Depending on the severity of the infestation, plants can completely wilt and die. Some plants, such as geraniums, African violets, and spider plants seem to be particularly susceptible to fungus gnats. However, any plant sitting in wet soil can be a victim. Yet another reason not to overwater our plants!

How can I prevent fungus gnats in my plants?

Fungus gnats are attracted to moisture and decaying organic material. So, an overwatered plant, especially one with dead leaves or stems lying in the pot, is a prime target.

In contrast, dry soil discourages the fungus gnat from laying its eggs. So, in addition to careful watering and the removal of dead leaves, indoor gardeners should always use potting soil designed for indoor plants.

When it comes to outdoor garden soils, they will often be mixed with peat moss or compost. However, these organic materials will attract fungus gnats.

To ensure proper drainage, you can add perlite or vermiculite to their potting soil, which presents less welcome environments for fungus gnats. Besides, a ½ inch layer of sand on the top of the soil will keep the soil dry and stop the gnats from laying their eggs.

How to get rid of fungus gnats

If, after all your best efforts, you notice that some of your plants are infested with these common houseplant pests, there are many ways to deal with the problem.

First of all, fungus gnats only fly for very short distances so if you find an infested plant, separate it from your other houseplants. Also, you may decide to re-pot if the infestation is severe. Sometimes changing the top 2 inches of soil and allowing it to dry will do the trick.

Moreover, be sure to remove any standing water under the plant. Once these things are done, there are several ways to either trap the gnats or treat the soil to make it inhospitable to the insects. Most effective is a combination of treatments which will attack the adult gnat and the larvae.

So, using these treatments for four weeks will ensure that two generations of the pest are affected.

Best products to get rid of fungus gnats

To start, let’s look at some products which are easily available that will attack both the adult gnat and the larvae. It is not necessary to use harsh chemicals or insecticides, as several natural products are handy.

diatomaceous earth powder

Diatomaceous Earth

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mosquito bits

Mosquito Bits

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Hydrogen Peroxide 3%

Hydrogen Peroxide 3%

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Yellow Sticky Fungus Gnats Traps

Yellow Sticky Traps

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get rid of fungus gnats with nematodes

Beneficial Nematodes

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electric fungus gnats trap

Electric Trap

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1. Neem Oil

Neem Oil is an organic pesticide derived from the neem tree. It contains a compound (Azadirachtin) that inhibits plant pests. However, this product should be used as a “plant drench,” meaning diluted with water and used to soak the soil as well as a spray for leaves (especially the undersides) and stem.

Also, by drenching the soil, the plant will absorb the pest-killing compound and distribute it throughout the plant system. Many Neem Oil products are available on Amazon, including the well-reviewed Neem Bliss Pure Neem Oil.

Although there are many producers of Neem oil, there is an advantage to using cold-pressed neem oil. So, the compound Azadirachtin in Neem oil tends to degrade with heat, so cold-pressed oil has more potency.

Therefore, mix the oil with water and a small amount of dish soap liquid. Then, repeat the treatment as needed, and make sure to apply it in the morning or when the plant is not in direct sun. Also, neem oil does have a strong odor which some people find unpleasant.

pure neem oil

Watch this short video on applying Neem Oil for some useful tips:


2. Diatomaceous Earth (food grade)

Our second chosen product, Diatomaceous Earth is a natural product that is non-toxic to humans and animals. Also, it contains mineralized fossil dust, and its abrasive nature works well on disabling fungus gnats. Even though this product is not harmful, it is wise to use a face mask when applying it.

You can spread it on the top of the soil and on the stems of the plant. However, make sure the soil is dry before adding the product. Diatomaceous Earth works best when there’s a layer of sand on the top of your plant’s soil. Additionally, it’s a good idea to mix it right into your potting soil to prevent insects.

There are many brands of Diatomaceous earth available, as it helps control many types of pests, in the garden and the home. However, the best-reviewed brand on is Harris Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade.

diatomaceous earth powder

The following video shows how to apply diatomaceous earth and has great ideas for keeping topsoil in your plants dry!


3. B-TI Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis

B-TI is a naturally occurring organism that targets fungus gnats, mosquitos, and black flies, affecting their stomach lining and effectively killing them. However, it is harmless to humans or animals and is approved for organic gardening and farming as it’s not absorbed by plants and leaves no residue.

Also, keep in mind that using B-TI is somewhat slower method than those mentioned above. So, it needs to be re-applied every couple of weeks until the infestation disappears.

Of course, Mosquito Bits is one of the products that contain B-TI and has a fantastic effect on keeping the fungus gnats in check.

Therefore, to kill the fungus gnats, sprinkle the bits on the top of the soil and water the plant. Furthermore, for a more powerful effect, add some Mosquito Bits in your watering can before watering the plants and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

mosquito bits

Check out this video for more info on how to use Mosquito Bits:


4. Hydrogen Peroxide

In addition, another effective way of attacking fungus gnats larvae is to spray diluted 3% Hydrogen Peroxide on plants and the soil. This product is a standard household product that also has many uses in the garden.

So, to treat fungus gnats, mix hydrogen peroxide with three parts water and, once the soil is dry, use it to water your plants. Again, it is essential to repeat this treatment to ensure that all generations of the pest are affected.

Hydrogen Peroxide 3%

The following is an informative video on the many beneficial uses of Hydrogen Peroxide in the garden:


5. General Hydroponics GH2045 AzaMax

Also, AzaMax is a natural product derived from Neem oil which contains the same active compound of Azadirachtin and gets rid of fungus gnats by starvation and growth disruption.

Moreover, it is very highly rated by Amazon customers who suggest spraying this product weekly, diluted with water, on all plants to prevent any insect infestation. You can dilute it by adding 1 oz of AzaMax to 1 gallon of water or if you want a stronger formula, by adding 2 oz to 1 gallon.

Equally important, some people use this product as a way to immunize the plants and avoid infestations.


6. Beneficial Nematodes

Nematodes are microscopic roundworms that provide biological control of houseplant insects.

Therefore, the nematodes release a bacterium that’s not harmful to humans or pets but is fatal to fungus gnats and other pests. Products such as Nema Globe Pot Popper sell nematodes in packets, several million per package.

The nematodes are placed in the soil and slowly released to live and feast on gnat larvae.

Also, one satisfied customer suggests installing the nematodes, watering the plant, and then covering it with a plastic bag. In this way, the fungus gnats won’t be able to escape.

Not to mention that Nematodes can even be kept in your refrigerator for up to two weeks (if you don’t mind the idea of worms in your fridge!!)

get rid of fungus gnats with nematodes

7. Growstone Gnat Nix

Growstone Gnat Nix is another chemical-free product. Therefore, it is a gravel-like product made from 100% recycled crushed glass.

The glass is ground, milled, and baked and provides a physical barrier when added to the top of the plant soil. Moreover, it’s easy to use, keeps the gnats away, and has an attractive appearance on your houseplant soil!

growstone gnat nix for fungus gnats

8. Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

We would be remiss if we did not mention electric traps as many people swear by them to reduce flying insects in their homes.

So, the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap can be plugged into either a wall socket or USB port and attracts insects by its UV light.

Once the insects hover over the light, a fan sucks them into the trap, where they are stuck on glue boards or ‘sticky discs.’ However, this electric trap works best in a darkened room. Also, depending on how many fungus gnats you have, you may have to replace the sticky discs frequently.

While this product is excellent for ridding the air of fungus gnats, it does nothing to address the actual problem of why they are there in the first place. As we have seen, both adults and larvae must be attacked to free our houseplants from infestation.

electric fungus gnats trap

DIY Methods to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats

Before purchasing the products mentioned above, you may wish to try some do-it-yourself ways of catching and eradicating fungus gnats in your plants. So, in order to attack both adult gnats and the larvae, combining some of these methods can be very effective.

I. DIY Traps

1. Yellow Sticky Traps

There are several ways to catch the adult fungus gnats. Yellow sticky traps are sold everywhere and, similar to flypaper, are covered in glue.


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Fungus gnats are drawn to the yellow color. It is easy to make a homemade gnat trap by obtaining some yellow card stock, smearing the sides with Vaseline, and placing horizontally on your plant soil. By placing horizontally, you will trap gnats both coming and going!

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

A common way to trap fungus gnats is to partially fill a small jar with apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap, cover it with a jar lid or plastic wrap that has small holes in it, and place it near your infested plants.

The gnats will be attracted to the scent of the liquid, enter the jar, be unable to get out, and drown.

Here’s an easy how-to video:


3. The Potato Slice Method

  • A potato slice placed on the soil of your plant will also attract fungus gnats.
  • After about four hours, the underside of the potato will be covered in gnats (yuk!).
  • Replace it with a new slice.

II. DIY Attacking Larvae

As we have learned, attacking the larvae of fungus gnats is essential to halt the infestation.

4. The Sand Method

It is a good idea to cover plant soil with about a half-inch of sand to avoid fungus gnats from penetrating the soil to lay eggs.

Sand absorbs water quickly, and since gnats like moist environments to lay eggs, they will avoid sand. New gnats will also be unable to emerge.

The plant will have to be watered from the bottom to keep the sand on top from washing away.

5. The Steel Wool Method

Place a thin layer of steel wool over the soil of infected plants. Fungus gnats will be unable to fly into the soil, and mature larvae will be unable to fly out.

To ensure that several generations of larvae are annihilated, leave the steel wool on for at least four weeks.


How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats: FAQs

Before we conclude this tutorial on how to get rid of fungus gnats, let’s see in short some answers to the most frequently asked questions on fungus gnats, their prevention, and their repelling.

How do you get rid of fungus gnats organically?

Some of the best methods to get rid of fungus gnats organically include the following:

  • Neem oil;
  • Diatomaceous earth;
  • B-TI Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis;
  • General Hydroponics GH2045 AzaMax;
  • Beneficial Nematodes;
  • Growstone Gnat Nix;
  • DIY traps, etc.

Other methods include the use of peroxide in a mix of water and pouring it through the soil deep into your houseplants’ roots. The peroxide mix is capable of killing fungus gnats larvae upon contact. As we already mentioned above, neem oil is also an effective treatment against the larvae of fungus gnats.

Do fungus gnats go away on their own?

Not likely. Adult fungus gnats lay their eggs and multiply by larvae, leading to possible severe infestations. Some people hope the problem to resolve without intervention, but this is not how things work. However, you should not destroy the plants before you try some of the best methods we describe here to get rid of fungus gnats.

Can you use vinegar to get rid of fungus gnats infestations in your houseplants?

Vinegar has plenty of uses in a household, houseplant care included. You can use apple cider vinegar (we suggest one-quarter to one-half inch) mixed with some dish soap and poured in a clear container to make a trap for the fungus gnats.

Does dish soap kill fungus gnats?

Dish soap, just as apple cider vinegar, has its uses in plant care. However, while you can make an efficient DIY fungus gnats’ trap with a mix of dish soap and vinegar, as we showed above, you cannot rely solely on this household product to remove the gnats for you.

In small to moderate infestations, this technique may have some effects, but if the infestation is severe, we recommend you use the methods we described in this guide.

Is cinnamon efficient in the treatment of fungus gnats?

True Ceylon cinnamon may be an effective repellent against fungus gnats if you sprinkle it in an even layer on top of the houseplant potting soil. While we did not test this method, specialists and other casual gardeners recommend you refresh the cinnamon layer every three weeks to get rid of the fungus gnats.

Can I repot the plants affected by the fungus gnats?

As we mentioned, fungus gnats can spread from one plant to the next very fast. If the infestation is not severe, you can get rid of them by repotting the plants. Do it with care, though.

When you repot the plants, nevertheless, make sure you transfer as little of the infected soil as possible into the new pot. Take out the plant gently out of the original pot and, using a brush, clean and remove as much soil as possible before you put it into the new pot.

Final Thoughts

Finally, fungus gnats are a nuisance and are unwelcome visitors to your indoor garden. But as we can see, there are numerous ways to address this problem; it’s good to know that the use of harsh chemicals is not required.

Attacking a fungus gnat infestation with natural or even common household products is an environmentally friendly way of bringing out the best in your plants. So, have you tried any of these methods to get rid of these pests? What about other ideas, like using cinnamon or chamomile tea? It would be great to hear your experience in dealing with pests in your houseplants.

Therefore, share with us all your advice and experience on how to get rid of fungus gnats in the comments section. In the same place, you can ask all your further questions regarding the products we shared in the article. We are here for you and your green plants! Always!

Gail Edwards
About the Author - Gail Edwards

I have been a fan of indoor plants for over 40 yearsand have over 60 plants in my home. I bought my first plant, a Schefflera, when I was a teenager and slowly began collecting and propagating different varieties of plants. Now that I am retired, I also devote time to an outdoor flower garden and a vegetable garden in the summer months. I live in Canada where the


7 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats – 13 Methods and Solutions

  • Very effective ways to deal with fungus gnats infestation. So far, I’ve tried nematodes, no idea if they actually work.. but outside, milky pores were very effective on Japanese beetles. Yellow sticky is very effective on adult gnats. Hydrogen peroxide i used, but was not effective for larvas.

    Any suggestions for cut worms or root worms?

  • I have no idea what these nasty little worms like creature are in my plants, Next I found them crawling on my floor and clump together in a corner behind my mirror – Thank goodness for hardwood floors- this only happen when I water my houseplants…HELP I want them Eradicated ASAP!!!!

    • Hi Lou, sorry for the late reply! We hope you solved the problem. If you did, let us know how. In case something like this happens again try repotting your plants in fresh, well-draining soil or place a layer of sand or pebbles on the surface of your soil.

  • Neem oil was not that effective… using miralcle grow potting soil or vigoro potting soil is the worst too much moisture. I had a severe infestation and resulted to using Sewn and steel wool hope that helps or i will throwing the plants out and starting over, can’t take it anymore.

    • Hi Shana! Sorry to hear the gnats are giving you a hard time! Don’t despair, though. You don’t have to throw away your plants just yet! If all else fails, try to repot the plants in fresh soil and keeping them on the dry side for a few days. Fill the plate under the pot with water to provide moisture instead, but don’t overdo it! Fill it no more than once a week.

  • Why am I finding a lot of dead gnats all on my indoor plant window shelves? I only have found the dead ones I don’t even notice them flying around ever. I realized that I had a problem because I was checking my new cuttings and realized that there was a ton of dead gnats laying all around the plants.

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